IEEE N3XT @ SXSW 2016: Chris Wire, KRUSH
Randi Sumner of IEEE N3XT™ engages in a conversation to talk about the work in the tech entrepreneurship space, with speaker:
Chris Wire | CEO at Krush Technologies
KRUSH is a tech company focusing on connecting humans to machines by using virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence. Chris explains how KRUSH developed Proto BuildBar, a collaborative experience center focused on making things. Proto BuildBar offers a friendly maker’s space for people of all ages to get involved in developing the next big idea!
See more at: https://ieeetv.ieee.org/ieeetv-specials/ieee-n3xt-sxsw-2016-chris-wire-krush?rf=channels|93&#sthash.FEtPvyvu.dpuf