Having a Vision Is Vital When It Comes to Entrepreneurship

Imagining your goal could be the key to success

Having a Vision Is Vital When It Comes to Entrepreneurship

By Devon Ryan, a founder of Lion Mobile.

Where do you see yourself in five years? If you struggle with that question, then ask yourself this: “Am I living life to the fullest right now?” This life of ours is one shot at happiness, but every day so many people are just going with the flow. Instead, why not create your own path? Whether it’s starting a business or a family, creating a vision for yourself is paramount if you want to live a life worth living. Otherwise, you are simply meandering through life.

Imagine your car is the force that moves you through life. Are you driving it or sitting in the back, hoping someone else will take the steering wheel? If you don’t have a destination in mind, then you are probably remaining idle. If you are driving but don’t know where, you might just be going in circles…

Read more of this article on The Institute

Devon Ryan

Devon Ryan, a founder of Lion Mobile, a mobile app development company in Austin, Texas, and an active IEEE Volunteer.  His roles include: 2015 Representative for IEEE Young Professionals Region 4 and the 2016 IEEE-USA Board of Directors IEEE Young Professionals representative. Follow him on Twitter: @DevonRyanI. Follow him on Twitter: @DevonRyanI.