Panel 1 - How to start, survive and grow in a rapidly changing world Giovanni Perrone (PNI Cube), Fabio Maria Montagnino (Consorzio ARCA), Umberto La Commare (ARCA Consortium), Tiziana Tambosso (IEEE Italy Section Chair), Chiara Maiorino (EIT Health InnoStars), Gianmarco Troia (Qwince Ltd), Anders Nilsson (growlTup)
Tom Monaco November 1, 2018

IEEE Italy Section: Special Meeting on Innovative Start-up and Entrepreneurs

By Tiziana Tambosso

After the success of the first edition held in Modena on September 2017, this year IEEE Italy Section with the cooperation of University of Palermo and the technical support of Consorzio ARCA organized the second edition of this special meeting devoted to start up and entrepreneurs.

The event is part of the annual forum of the Italy Section, now at its 4th edition (RTSI – Research and Technology for Society and Industry) held in Palermo University Campus on September 10-13, 2018.

The program was structured with a keynote speaker and three panels with participation of incubators and associations promoting start-ups, big companies with their programs of open innovation and also with the witnesses of successful start ups.

This special meeting has also included an exhibition with startups.

The organization of the 3rd edition of this special meeting will be part of the next IEEE RTSI forum to be held in Firenze, September 9-12, 2019.

  • Panel 1 - How to start, survive and grow in a rapidly changing world Giovanni Perrone (PNI Cube), Fabio Maria Montagnino (Consorzio ARCA), Umberto La Commare (ARCA Consortium), Tiziana Tambosso (IEEE Italy Section Chair), Chiara Maiorino (EIT Health InnoStars), Gianmarco Troia (Qwince Ltd), Anders Nilsson (growlTup)