IEEE Presidents Forum | 2019


IEEE Presidents Forum | 2019


WHY, IEEE Presidents Forum?

1. Enhance the visibility and familiarity of our organization’s leadership.

2. Enable meaningful dialogue between our leadership and members.

3. Open up a communication channel for members to communicate directly with IEEE leadership.

Subodha Charles Headshot
The event is co-chaired by IEEE Entrepreneurship Steering Committee Member, Subodha Charles. Subodha serves as the Vice Chair of Education and Awards. He previously served as the Vice Chair of Social Impact on the 2018 IEEE Entrepreneurship Steering Committee.


The IEEE Presidents Forum is a Town Hall type event which provides an opportunity for the participants to ask questions directly from the IEEE leadership, learn about the organization and discuss what IEEE does well. This year’s Presidents Forum will see the participation of José M. F. Moura  (IEEE President & CEO 2019), Jim Jefferies (IEEE President & CEO 2018) and Stephen Welby (Executive DIrector, IEEE).

All IEEE members around the globe can take part in the event since it is broadcasted on and questions are taken in real-time. Leadership will speak and listen to the membership directly. It is a unique opportunity to make your opinion heard.

You can make best use of this opportunity by submitting your questions in real-time during the live stream. If you are unable to take part in the live stream, you can also submit your questions beforehand through the website.

IEEE Sections, Chapters, and groups are encouraged to form “watch parties” for this event. Get together with your colleagues and participate in the video presentation for a fun way to generate interesting conversations and questions. Please plan to attend in person or participate in the video broadcast. Your voice needs to be heard​​!


Hosted at the Region 3 flagship Regional conference SoutheastCON 2019

Venue: Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama, USA
Date: 12th April, 2019
Time: 4:00 pm – 7 pm CDT (UTC – 5)