The IEEE, ICTP, and EAIFR Entrepreneurship Workshop for Scientists and Engineers, from 2019 September 30 to 2019 October 4, was conducted at the Resilient Africa Network in Kampala, Uganda. The event allowed IEEE members to meet with other IEEE members from different sections, as well as non-IEEE members to grow their professional and leadership skills. The event attracted many participants including students, researchers, and people from the industry, as well as entrepreneurs from various backgrounds.
The purpose of the workshop was to bring together a variety of stakeholders from several partner organizations to share the same platform and have discussions on entrepreneurship. The event attracted 60 participants and topics including business plan fundamentals, technology readiness, financial estimations, and intellectual property were discussed.

From Left to Right: Ken Stauffer, Janati Nakimera
The participants were able to interact and share their experiences with entrepreneurs who have successful businesses. The sessions were enriching, interactive, and filled with feedback and advice coming in from both the participants and facilitators. Students were also presented with opportunities to network and expand their business sense.
During the workshop, the participants were divided into 7 groups. Their goal was to work on a particular idea throughout the five days and then present pitch presentations to a panel of judges on the last day. The main goal of the presentations was to unlock, accelerate, and support natural and innovative ideas that were in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development goals. The teams are currently in the project development stage and are committed to the successful implementation of their projects. After the workshop, one of the teams was selected to attend the 3rd Youth Business Forum Bordering on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, which took place at the Statehouse Entebbe in Uganda, to discuss their individual experience.