2020 | Vaughn College – Summer Academy Speaker Series
This summer, Vaughn College is offering two innovative forums to fuel your passion for engineering and further your education by learning about entrepreneurship!
OPTION 1 | Engineering Innovation Summer Academy
The first option is to apply to the Summer Academy, a team-based competition where you pitch innovative solutions to world problems, win scholarship funds and hear from a group of successful engineers speaking on a variety of entrepreneurship topics. This is free to high school and transfer students.
Here’s how to participate in Summer Academy:
Pitch Your Passion
Post a 30 – 45-second video to your Instagram page tagging @vaughncollege in your post. The video should detail a world problem that you are passionate about solving. Then, explain why Vaughn’s Summer Academy could help you explore a solution.
The deadline to apply is June 18 by 11:59 PM.
Present Your SolutionPresent your team’s innovative engineering solution to the problem you selected on Friday, August 14 to compete for Vaughn scholarship funds.
Summer Academy Course Details
The course runs Monday, 6 July through Friday, 14 August. Classes are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 12:10 PM – 2 PM (done online via Zoom).
Speaker Series Schedule: Fridays 12 PM – 1 PM.
July 10: Young Entrepreneurs Speak
July 17: Women Entrepreneurs Speak
July 24: Global Entrepreneurial Programs
July 31: IP and Standards Explained
August 7: Getting Financing
August 14: Summer Academy Pitches
NOTE: There is a nine-student minimum to run the program. Scholarship awards can be combined with current offers but cannot exceed the cost of tuition.
Those eligible to participate in the program are:
Local high school students who have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and an interest in engineering and program solving may enroll. International and out-of-state students with an interest in studying in New York City are also welcome.
Transfer students who have 45 or fewer credits, a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and are currently enrolled in either a baccalaureate program in engineering or an engineering science associate degree program.
Vaughn enrollees may earn three credits for the course.
OPTION 2 | Engineering Entrepreneur Speaker Series
The second opportunity, open to all, is to hear from the speakers in this exciting series. Options range from listening to the webinars each Friday for free, to purchasing access to the videos for a limited amount of time, asking questions of the speakers, and obtaining an IEEE membership.
Tier One Access: FREE
Live Speaker Series Webinar access every Friday from 10 July 2020 through 7 August 2020.
Fridays 12 PM – 1 PM.
10 July: Young Entrepreneurs Speak
17 July: Women Entrepreneurs Speak
24 July: Global Entrepreneurial Programs
31 July: IP and Standards Explained
7 August: Getting Financing
Tier Two Access: $50
- Three-month access to all five webinars.
- Ability to submit one question per week after the webinar to one of the featured speakers.
- Half-year IEEE Student Membership.
Tier Three Access: $100
- Three-month access to all five webinars.
- Ability to submit one question per week after the webinar to one of the featured speakers.
- Half-year IEEE Student Membership.
- Your name will be added to a lottery for ten 30-minute mentorship sessions with a member of the 2020 IEEE Entrepreneurship Steering Committee.