/Surya Raghu | IEEE Entrepreneurship Video Library
Check out the latest entrepreneurial journey video!
IEEE Entrepreneurship is in the process of creating a library of helpful, insightful, and honest stories from entrepreneurs like you, describing your journey from idea to start-up.
The goal is to make these stories available to people in the IEEE Entrepreneurship ecosystem for inspiration, guidance, and lessons learned.
Interested in sharing your story?
Create a 3-5 minute video describing your entrepreneurial journey. Some of the questions you might want to answer are:
- Why did I want to become an entrepreneur?
- How did I get started?
- What was the hardest part of creating my start-up?
- What would you change now that you are smarter — i.e., what lessons did you learn?
If you are able to record, please submit your video to IEEE Entrepreneurship Program Manager Tom Monaco.