Ratio_770X320_DeMystify Start-up Funding_4:1:21
Lauren Beighley April 8, 2021

Demystifying Start-up Funding

Start-up funding is key to entrepreneurs. This edition of the Demystifying Series will explore the pros and cons of various sources of funding — both dilutive and non-dilutive funding. Topics include boot-strapping, pitching, SBIRs, angel investment, Venture Capital investment, etc.  


Moderator: Ken Stauffer

Samantha Snabes

Roderick K. Randall






Our discussion focuses on some of the following questions.

  • Explain the difference between dilutive vs. non-dilutive funding
  • Explain how you can boot-strap a company 
    • Self- funding
    • Friends and families
    • Pitch competitions 
    • Small Business Innovation Research (SBIRs)
    • Other grants
  • What is the best way to meet investors and get them interested in me?
  • How do valuations work from seed funding thru Series A, B, ….
    • What methods are used by investors for valuations
  • How can I maintain control of my company?
    • % share ownership
    • Board seats
    • Governance

Watch the entire video now!