IEEE Foundation


Global Start-Ups

Demystifying Global Start-Ups

Most of the start-up focus in the news is on Silicon Valley and Unicorns, but in reality, most start-ups are small global start-ups. They get less attention because they are outside the US. This discussion seeks to explore start-ups in different continents and countries and understand how they are different or similar to the US-based ones.

The goal of the Demystifying Series is to provide real-world knowledge and advice from those who have both knowledge and experience on the topic. Each conversation aims to offer valuable insight to entrepreneurial start-ups and to dispel general misconceptions.


Moderator: Ken Stauffer

Janati Nakimera

Subodha Charles

Susana Lau





Some questions / points to explore:

  • How do you think start-ups in your country differ from what you see in the US?
  • What types of resources are available in your country for start-ups?
  • Does your country’s government provide grants to start-ups?
  • Do you think the US Silicon Valley VC model would work in your country?
  • In the US we have LLCs, Delaware C Corps, S Corps, etc as ways to register a company, how does it work in your country?
  • Are there non-profit registration categories also in your country?
  • How can IEEE Entrepreneurship help global start-ups?

Watch the entire video now!