
SBIRs Part Two

Demystifying SBIRs Part Two

Earlier, IEEE Entrepreneurship did a Demystifying – US United States Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) | Non-Dilutive Funding for Your Company session where we discussed the pros and cons of SBIRs with entrepreneurs who applied and received them for their business.

This current session includes a former SBIR funder at the US Defense Department, someone who expressed interest in applying for an SBIR grant from that agency, and someone who assists entrepreneurs in their application process and in deciding which agency best fits their applications.

The goal of the Demystifying Series is to provide real-world knowledge and advice from those who have both knowledge and experience on the topic. Each conversation aims to offer valuable insight to entrepreneurial start-ups and to dispel general misconceptions.


Moderator: Ken Stauffer

Rebecca Todd

Roderick K. Randall

Steve Welby





Some questions / points to explore:

  • How do you make decisions about who gets SBIR funding and who doesn’t?
  • What are the criteria used in those funding decisions?
  • What are the rules around Intellectual Property use, by the company and the government?
  • How often does Intellectual Property use, by the government come into play?
  • From a user viewpoint, what are the downsides and upsides to SBIRs?
  • From a funder viewpoint, what are the downsides and upsides to SBIRs?

Watch the entire video now!


Interested in learning more?

Delve into Paul Reynold’s article – Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) | Non-Dilutive Funding for Your Company!