Finding Your Founder Niche Series: From Academic to Founder @ Vaughn College

Bringing Together Tech Fields

Finding Your Founder Niche Series: From Academic to Founder @ Vaughn College

Are you ready to unleash your inner “academic entrepreneur”?download

If you’re a student, academic researcher, or professor with an idea that will revolutionize an industry, you’ll need to find an experienced business partner to help transform your concept into reality.

As part of Vaughn College Annual Manufacturing Day (10:00am – 2:00pm), IEEE Entrepreneurship will host an on-site and livestream panel. Vaughn Alumni will share their expertise by providing insights on how to balance your academic career with your start-up dream as well as discovering how the right support services from both academia and business expertise sources can help you successfully launch your idea.

Waseem Hussain | Co-Founder & VP of Engineering, Union Crate
Cannon Patel |  Founder Cannon Technology Group LLC
John Pavon | Founder, Pavon Manufacturing Group, Inc.

Randi Sumner | Senior Director, IEEE Strategy & Entrepreneurship