IEEE 5G World Forum 2018 (5GWF’18)
The 2018 IEEE 1st 5G World Forum (5GWF’18) in Santa Clara, California is a unique event for industry leaders, academics, and decision-making government officials. This event is designed to examine 5G technologies and applications for the benefit of society.
Start-up Forum
There will be a Start-Up Forum meant to actively promote the engagement of start-ups and new businesses in pioneering innovation in 5G. The 5G challenges are pretty well known by now such as latency and reliability, something of a holy grail. Shaving latency down to 1ms for a host of applications from virtual reality games to tele-medicine will be another one of the toughest challenges of 5G. Start-ups are invited to showcase their innovation in this track.
5G systems should unveil a novel mobile network architecture that not only improve physical data rate, but also create a new ecosystem allowing the deployment of novel services and applications. A key target is to build a novel network architecture that should support not only classical mobile broadband applications and services, but also vertical industry (e.g. Automotive systems, Smart Grid, Public Safety, Health, etc.) and other IoT-based services.
The Evolving Patent Law Landscape and its Effect on 5G Innovation
Local and national experts will discuss recent developments in patent law and their effects on 5G innovative activities of our members and their companies. Discussions will cover the effects of these changes on inventors’ ability to obtain patents, to defend them once issued, to use them or license them in order to protect products or revenue streams in the market. The panel will also cover various defenses against patent infringement assertions including by invalidating patents at the Patent Office. Learn more about this program here.
This conference aims to bring experts from industry, academia, and research to exchange their vision as well as their achieved advances towards 5G, and encourage innovative cross-domain studies, research, early deployment and large scale pilot showcases that address the challenges of 5G.
For more information, click here.
This event is managed by the IEEE 5G Initiative.