IEEE Foundation

2019 | The Secrets to Success When Starting Your Own Business

12:00 pm
Virutal Event

2019 | The Secrets to Success When Starting Your Own Business

2019 13 November

Join us in attending a highly anticipated virtual event that puts you in the front seat of a presentation given by our IEEE Senior Member Jacquelyn Adams and sponsored by Digi-Key Electronics. This event is a perfect opportunity to sharpen your understanding of entrepreneurship and hone your craft into a business all on your own.

What could your career look like if you moved in an entrepreneurial direction? Starting your own engineering business has its unique challenges. Gain valuable insight into what it takes to launch your own company, take your networking skills to the next level, and to rise to the next stage of your career trajectory.

You are invited to participate in “The Secrets To Success When Starting Your Own Business,” a live complimentary virtual event provided by serial entrepreneur Jacquelyn Adams, IEEE Senior Member and CEO and founder of Ristole

The virtual event will:

  • Help elevate your networking skills to the next level by crafting an engaging bio and professional introduction
  • Offer tips to build a community of mentors and advisors who can help you establish your brand
  • Provide leadership “hacks” that will grow your business
  • Include a live “Q&A” session

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