2020 February 04
Burlington, Massachusetts
Please note that this meeting will be held at MTC, Burlington Microsoft Technology Center, 5 Wayside Road, Burlington, MA 01803
Pre-Meeting Dinner will be held at Not Your Average Joe’s, 4C Wayside Rd, Burlington, MA
IEEE Entrepreneurs Network – Boston | OK…You started a business and now aren’t sure how to produce revenue beyond the friends and family networks. Do you need to begin your company’s sales effort and don’t know where to start or what to do? Simple questions yet no simple answers. Don’t be confused by all the jargon out there! There are many different strategies and opinions but, every company is different therefore, your plan to roll out sales is going to be unique to your company. Our panelists combine many years of sales successes and failures in many verticals and will be joining together to discuss how to begin and ultimately consistently grow your sales.
Read More to learn about the panelists.
6:30-7:30 PM – Registration & networking
7:30-7:40 PM – ENET Chairman’s announcements
7:40-7:55 PM – eMinute – Up to 3 Startup companies’ presentations
7:55-8:45 PM – 3 expert speakers on the night’s topic
8:45-9:00 PM – Audience / Speakers Q & A
900-930 PM – Final networking includes meeting presenting speakers
A question and answer session follow the presentation, and panelists will be available afterward for responses to individual questions. As with every ENET meeting, you will also get the chance to network with the panelists and other meeting attendees, both before the start of the meeting and afterward.
LOCATION: MTC, Burlington Microsoft Technology Center, 5 Wayside Road, Burlington, MA 01803
REFRESHMENTS: Cheese, crackers, chips, cookies, soft drinks & juice will be served at this meeting.
COST AND RESERVATIONS: Meetings are free to ENET members and $20 for non-members. No reservations are needed for the pre-meeting dinner. To expedite sign-in for the meeting, we ask that everyone — members as well as non-members — pre-register for the online. Pre-registration is available until midnight the day before the meeting. If you cannot pre-register, you are welcome to register at the door.
PRE-MEETING DINNER: Join us for a pre-meeting networking dinner (self-pay) at Bertucci’s in Waltham before the start of this meeting. Dinner at 5:15 sharp. No reservations required for the pre-meeting dinner.
REFUND POLICY: If you cancel your registration before the event, ENET will refund your registration fee in the form of a credit towards a future ENET event.