Panel: What Can Every Entrepreneur Learn from Robots?
Special thanks to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society for your leadership in the field of robotics and support for IEEE Entrepreneurship Activity within your organization as well as IEEE N3XT.
What Can Every Entrepreneur Learn from Robots?
Robotics is one of the hottest and fastest-growing tech fields today. The scope and breadth of activity is growing exponentially thanks to 3D printing, cloud computing, internet of things and other game changers. From vacuum cleaners to autonomous cars, robots are cleaning our homes, working in our factories and collaborating with humans throughout the world.
To be effective, robots include many aspects along the spectrum of electrical engineering such as solid-state circuits, electronic design, signal processing, cloud computing, etc. In addition, robot and automation activity that impacts human work is under scrutiny in standards, public policy, communications, and marketing regarding.
The startup story of ideation → prototyping → funding → manufacturing in the Robotics sector hits home for many aspiring and early stage technology founders because this arena of entrepreneurship is often a harder-to- get-funded and extended time journey than many technology startup sectors.
Discuss and learn the “Bigger Picture” from those who have successfully navigated this intensive journey.