Avi Mendelson

Visiting Professor | Technion Israel

Avi Mendelson

Visiting Professor | Technion Israel


Avi Mendelson is a visiting professor at the CS and EE departments at the Technion and in the EEE department, NTU Singapore. He has a blend of industrial and academic experience in several different areas such as Computer architecture, Power management, security, and Real-Time Systems.

Prof. Mendelson published more than 130 papers in refereed Journals conferences and workshops and holds more than 25 Patents. Among his industrial roles, he worked for National semiconductors, Intel and Microsoft.

Prof. Avi Mendelson is IEEE Fellow, was a member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Computer Society, and a second VP. He served as an associated editor of various IEEE Journals, such as IEEE trans. on Computers and Computer Architecture letters; currently, he is serving as an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing.