Benno Broer

CEO | Qu & Co

Benno Broer

CEO | Qu & Co


Benno is a quantum-physicist from Delft University in the Netherlands, who graduated in 1998 on quantum-dot research in the quantum-transport group (now QuTech) under Leo Kouwenhoven (now Microsoft). Benno is also a serial entrepreneur, experienced boardroom consultant, and as the CEO of Qu & Co dedicated to translating emerging quantum-technologies into high-value industry-relevant solutions.

Benno has over 15 years of business development, B2B commercial, and investment experience and was an advisor to a multitude of technology businesses. He is the founder of a local Dutch strategy consulting boutique with 25 consultants and previously worked a.o. at the Boston Consulting Group, in risk management at ING Bank, and in private equity at Alpinvest Partners. Benno holds an MBA cum laude from INSEAD in France.