Chenyang Xu (S’94–M’01–SM’06) received the B.S. degree in computer science and engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, in 1993 and the M.S.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, in 1995 and 1999, respectively.,In 2000, he joined the Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ, as a member of technical staff. From 2006 to 2009, he was a Program Manager responsible for multimodality image fusion and image-guided solutions for interventional imaging applications. During the same time period, he was the cofounder and the codirector of the Siemens Center for Medical Imaging Validation (CMIV), Beijing, China. Since July 2009, he has been the Chief Technology Officer at the Siemens Technology-to-Business Center, Berkeley, CA. His research interests include image segmentation and registration, shape representation and analysis, deformable models, graph-based algorithms, statistical validation, and their applications in medical imaging, particularly intervention and minimal invasive surgery. He is both the co-inventor and the technical manager of the world’s first commercial 3-D imaging-guidance technology product for treating complex heart arrhythmias, CARTOMERGE.,Dr. Xu was the recipient of the Frost Sullivan’s 2006 Excellence in Technology Award. (Based on document published on 26 August 2010). He’s now a partner at the Corporate Innovators Huddle, in Menlo Park, Calif., which provides a forum to help large companies be more innovative by investing in and partnering with startups. And he’s the managing partner at Perception Vision Medical Technologies, a fast-growing startup involved with AI, based in Guangzhou, China. Read More.