Franco Tecchia Ph.D.

Founder & CTO | VRMedia S.r.l.

Franco Tecchia Ph.D.

Founder & CTO | VRMedia S.r.l.


Franco Tecchia Ph.D. received his Master’s degree in Engineering from the University of Pisa and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University College London, UK. He is currently Assistant Professor at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna with a primary specialization in Virtual and Augmented Reality. He is the head of the Computer Graphics and Virtual Environment Area at the TeCIP Institute, working in the context of national and international research. His activities included both European-funded research and International Collaboration involving Virtual Reality and several Italian projects focused on the use of VR and AR in several aspects of the society (Industry, Medicine, Cultural Heritage, and more).

He has been twice awarded of Australia National Research Flagships, an international collaboration scheme funded by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) for high-profile strategic research collaborations with non-Australian research collaborations, and he is member of the editorial board and Associate Editor of the journal Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments (MIT PRESS).

Franco is the founder & CTO of VRMedia S.r.l., an Italian company dealing with Augmented Reality for remote support scenarios in Industrial contexts. VRMedia recently attracted Venture Capital investments and it is currently developing and distributing hardware & software “expertise everywhere” technology named Kiber.