IEEE Foundation

Inspiring Entrepreneurs Webinar

IEEE WIE E-Tea Talks

IEEE WIE E-Tea Talks – Inspiring Entrepreneurs Webinar

The IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) E-Tea Talks – Inspiring Entrepreneurs Webinar, took place as a collaborative event between IEEE Turkey Women In Engineering (WIE) & IEEE Entrepreneurship.

The IEEE WIE E-Tea Talks – Inspiring Entrepreneurs Webinar touched on so many different facets, during the Livestream, that entrepreneurs at any stage in the process from aspiring, to early-stage, to seasoned founders will want to watch!


Moderator: Simay Akar

Samantha Snabes

Mercy Chelangat

Janati Nakimera





Moderator, Simay Akar, IEEE WIE Turkey Section Chair, lead the talk amongst several 2020 IEEE Entrepreneurship Steering Committee officers, demonstrating expertise and poise while exhibiting her expansive knowledge in the field of engineering.

Simay Akar touched upon each speaker’s expertise based on personal/experiences.

Samantha Snabes, 2019 Immediate Past Chair 2020 IEEE Entrepreneurship Steering Committee described entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. Snabes then further discussed the various initiatives that act as catalysts for empowering local change-makers.

Mercy Chelangat, Social Impact Liaison 2020 IEEE Entrepreneurship Steering Committee focused on her experience with IEEE Smart Village & the Africa Fund Development. Insight was shared, regarding different opportunities in entrepreneurship & social entrepreneurship in Africa.

Janati Nakimera, Social Impact Liaison 2020 IEEE Entrepreneurship Steering Committee shared entrepreneurship opportunities in the solar/renewable energy industry. Nakimera provided insight into the best practices in becoming a change-maker in the transition of energy.

Akar further delved into a wide array of questions with the speakers including, but not limited to the following.

  • Brief introductions.
  • Each speaker’s story, education, career, and life-changing decisions.
  • The challenges each speaker faced within the retrospective entrepreneurship journey and correlated lessons.
  • An explanation of the inspiration/motivation behind the interest/motivation in joining entrepreneurship/initiatives.
  • The personal thoughts about empowering women in entrepreneurship from the speakers.
  • An explanation of what IEEE Entrepreneurship is/does including personal perspectives. For example, what the speakers get out of/enjoy about being a part of IEEE Entrepreneurship.
  • An explanation of how the panel and the general populace can contribute to social impact through new initiatives.

Watch the entire video now!

Don’t miss all IEEE WIE E-Tea Talks that Livestream on the IEEE Turkey YouTube Channel!