2018 | Women In Technology Summit
Redefining the Defined
The Women in Technology (WiT) Summit aims to embolden girls who are currently in the STEM fields to make a change in the community by lending enthusiasm and inspiration from successful women leaders. WiT Summit aims to be a journey into self-discovery and empowerment. A place for participants to discover their hidden talents and spark their technical innovations. It will be an experience like no other, combining the best of IEEE and the Industry network, with some amazing learning and truly fun events that will make the most memorable events so far.
To make an energetic group of Women and Men, utilizing their assorted gifts to improve for the advantage of humankind.
The tracks are as follows:
● Computing: Workshops, talks and engaging sessions to bring forth budding computing enthusiasts.:
● Electronics and Automation: Workshops, talks and engaging sessions to embolden the ones who wish to change the world through robotics.
● Entrepreneurship: Skills to help women advance in their careers, Skills to elevate the actions to inspire others, communicate and effective leading, skills around startups, business models, venture funding, finance or leadership communication.