IEEE Foundation

2019 | EAC Regional Training Workshop on Sustainable Energy Solutions in Situations of Displacement

12:00 pm
Kampala, Uganda

2019 | EAC Regional Training Workshop on Sustainable Energy Solutions in Situations of Displacement

The objective of this training workshop is to raise awareness about the key dimensions that need to be addressed to develop sustainable energy solutions for situations of displacement. The workshop will provide insights into best practices in integrating displacement issues in energy policymaking and interventions.

Participants are expected to:

  • Identify the main energy challenges and opportunities in situations of displacement, as well as the nexus between food, water, energy and climate change;
  • Gain a thorough understanding of energy issues from a multidimensional perspective in situation of displacement;
  • Learn about best practices in energy policy, best available technologies and effective financing options in situations of displacement;
  • Be able to consider relevant aspects for the promotion and development of sustainable energy systems.

The workshop is open to 50 participants from the East African Community (EAC) Partner States. Participants should be mid-level policymakers and energy experts from energy ministries, ministries responsible for refugees/disasters-preparedness, and humanitarian organizations working on provision of energy for persons in displacement settings.

As the training course will be conducted in English, participants should have sufficient proficiency to follow lectures and express themselves in this language without difficulty.

The workshop will consist of lectures, group discussions field excursion to a refugee camp and group assignments.  The workshop will explore how to best address issues of sustainable energy solutions in situations of displacement while considering the cross-cutting dimensions affecting society in the 21st century, including:

  • Providing access to modern forms of energy to all, including refugees/IDPs and their host communities
  • Enhancing energy security in situations of displacement
  • Addressing climate change issues related to refugees/IDPs camps, e.g. deforestation.
  • Addressing energy and gender issues related to refugees/IDPs camps.

Applicants should complete the standard EACREEE application form for training courses and submit by E-Mail to info@eacreee.orgnot later than 30th September 2019.  The applications must be endorsed by the employer. Nominations received after that date will not be considered. Read More.