2019 | Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation Conference (G-STIC)
The Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation Conference (G-STIC) returns to Brussels and once again IEEE is involved!
IEEE Entrepreneurship, the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee, and IEEE TechEthics have once again collaborated with the UN Major Group on Children and Youth (UN-MGCY) in order to bring IEEE content to this innovative and high energy innovation event.
New for 2019, the IEEE and UN-MGCY have additionally collaborated to host and judge the annual G-STIC Sustainable Startup Competition.
IEEE Competition Judges as well as IEEE Content Leaders at the event will include:
- Mina Hanna | Senior Applications Consultant, Synopsys Inc. | Member, IEEE TechEthics Committee
- Kartik Kulkarni | Principal Member Of Technical Staff, Oracle | Chair, IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Initiative
- Janati Nakimera | CEO, Solar Net metering Uganda & 2020 IEEE Entrepreneurship Leadership
- Ken Stauffer | Serial Entrepreneur | 2020 Chair, IEEE Entrepreneurship | 2019 Liaison, IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee | IEEE N3XT® Star Judge
As it’s logo indicates, G-STIC is an event with strong themes connected to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — but with a unique approach that differs similarly to the way in which the G-STIC logo includes the SDG colors and bars but has broken away from the formality of the traditional SDG logo!
With G-STIC 2017 & G-STIC 2018 having raised awareness on the need of technological transitions to achieve the , the world community is making strides in recognizing the potential of integrated technological solutions to help make the SDGs a reality. 2019 and future G-STIC editions will focus on identifying clusters of market-ready technological solutions that can make a major contribution to achieving the SDGs, and discussing the critical levers of change that are needed to deploy these solutions at scale.
G-STIC 2019 will lay the foundations of a comprehensive approach to identifying and discussing integrated technological solutions that can significantly impact the achievements of the SDGs. It will also test this approach on a number of concrete integrated technological solutions. G-STIC 2019 is hosted jointly by VITO (the prime research and technology organization on cleantech and sustainable development in Belgium) and its international partners ACTS (African Centre for Technology Studies), FIOCRUZ (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz), GIEC (Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences), IITD (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi), NACETEM (National Centre for Technology Management) and TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute). The third edition of this conference series will be organised in Brussels from November 20 to November 22, 2019. Read More.