2020 | 7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE)
2020 November 12 – 14
(originally scheduled 2020 June 11 – 13)
Ruse, Bulgaria
The main aim of the conference is to provide a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas for academics, scientists, engineers, Ph.D. students, and businessmen. The focus is on two main fields: energy and agriculture. The application of renewable energy sources, smart grids, power systems, electric vehicles, sensors, measurements, ICT, entrepreneurship, education, etc. are essential for the sustainable development of society. Read More.
Call for papers
The organizing committee of EE&AE 2020 kindly invites you to submit a paper to the 2020 7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE). The scientific and technical event will take place in Ruse, Bulgaria on November 12th-14th, 2020. For your convenience, you can download the Invitation in a PDF form.
The authors should submit their papers according to the provided template in both Microsoft Word and PDF format via the EE&AE 2020 Conference Management System. The submission length should not exceed 4 pages. Each author can participate in at most three papers. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two reviewers.
IEEE holds the copyrights of the conference proceedings. Papers meeting the quality criteria will be indexed in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. IEEE reserves the right to exclude papers from the conference proceedings if not presented by an author.
A. Energy Efficiency
B. Smart Grid, Renewable Energy and Power Quality
C. Power Systems
D. Environmental Management Systems
E. Electric Vehicles
F. Sensors and Measurements
G. Modeling and Simulation
H. Information and Communication Technologies
I. Precision Agriculture
J. Agriculture 4.0
K. Standardization, Metrology, and Quality
L. Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Energy
M. Global Challenges in Education