POSTPONED – DATE TBD: 2020 | Transform Africa Summit
(originally scheduled 2020 April 20 – 23)
Conakry, Guinea
Smart Africa is a bold and innovative commitment by African Heads of State and Government to accelerate the sustainable socio-economic development of the continent, by introducing Africa into a knowledge economy through affordable access to broadband and the use of information and communication technologies.
The Transform Africa Summit is a Smart Africa event. After five successful editions, the sixth summit was set to take place in Conakry, Guinea, from April 20 to 23, 2020.
Location: Mohammed V Palace, Corner 2nd Blvd, and 2nd Ave, Conakry, Guinea
Under the theme of “Integrating Africa”, the Summit is expected to attract more than 4,000 participants, including heads of state and governments, first ladies, United Nations Broadband Commissioners, Regulators, public sectors and private sector affiliates, international organizations, industry leaders, investors, entrepreneurs, young innovators, civil society, and academia. Read More.