2021 | IEEE 5G World Forum


2021 | IEEE 5G World Forum

2021 October 13 – 15
Location: Hybrid – Montreal, Canada

The theme for this global 5G event is 5G and Beyond: A Comprehensive Look at Future Networks. The conference will bring together contributors who have been cultivating future networks technology; and applications for the benefit of society. It will emphasize novel architectures that support not only traditional mobile broadband technology but also vertical industry. Read More.

Entrepreneurial Program

Entrepreneurship and Innovations Forum 2021
Thursday, 2021 October 14

While the 5G Industry Forum special session focuses on industry leaders in wireless technology, the Entrepreneurship and Innovations Forum (EIF) promotes the involvement of young businesses and the entrepreneur community, providing a platform for them to share their innovations.  Attendees will participate in in-depth discussions on 5G deployment and evolution, particularly related to how 5G will improve with time as technology matures. Read More.

Program Outline

5G and its extensions (i.e., B5G) have unleashed significant entrepreneurial, innovation, and investment opportunities the world over. It is generally entrepreneurial pioneers and startups who take the risk with new and innovative technologies, products, and services. The Entrepreneurship and Innovations Forum (EIF) is created to actively promote the engagement of entrepreneurs and young businesses in pioneering innovation in 5G/B5G and to stimulate vibrant discussions on how 5G/B5G would improve and evolve with time as technologies mature to deliver its full potential.

This year, we have collaborated with IEEE Entrepreneurship to present two panels. The first will be a live panel of venture capital experts on 5G investment; the second is a pre-recorded panel on entrepreneurship in the 5G and broadcast industries.

We also assemble presentations from a number of startups at different stages to present and showcase their evolutionary or revolutionary technological or/and business developments in the 5G space.

Time Agenda
11:00 – 11:05 Introduction by Co-Chairs
11:05 – 12:05 5G Investors Panel – moderated by Joanne, General Partner of REDDS Capital
12:05 – 12:35 Metawave –
12:35 – 13:05 A5G Networks – Dynamic and distributed 5G Networks to enable new services
13:05 – 14:00 Break
14:00 – 14:30 mimik Technology – Evolution of Central Cloud to Hybrid Edge Cloud in a Hyper-Connected World
14:30 – 15:00 Mixcomm –
15:00 – 15:30 EdgeQ –
15:30 – 16:00 Company TBD
16:00 – 16:30 Break
16:30 – 17:00 Company TBD
17:00 – 18:00 Entrepreneurship in 5G and Broadcast Technologies
18:00 – 18:30 IEEE Entrepreneurship – Program overview

5G Investors Panel – Live panel discussion – 1 hour
Abstract: In this session, IEEE Entrepreneurship will assemble a panel of investors that will provide insight as to – the innovations they are seeing with the deployment of 5G technologies, applications, and services, their thoughts as to how 5G will transform their portfolio companies and future investments, their investment criteria with startups engaged in the development and deployment of 5G technologies and more.

Moderator: Joanne Wong
Participants: TBD

Metawave Presentation
Abstract – TBD

Presenter: Maha Achour, CEO, CTO, Founder

Dynamic and distributed 5G Networks to enable new services
Abstract: Operators realize the benefits of bringing IT network like agility in the telecom network infrastructure; they are spending a significant amount of money moving their networks to virtualized and cloud-native infrastructure. Market dynamics are changing with increasing internet Data demands for streaming video, and operators need to bring data closer to the edge. With the recent COVID-19 situation, a new normal is evolving where more and more organizations will allow people to work from home; remote education and telehealth are becoming essential. Data will become more distributed and less centralized.

With new technology introduction, i.e., 4G, 5G, WiFi, and 6G, the Cost of network evolution and transformation will be high in the short term. Still, it will give long-term cost savings; it will also generate new revenue streams. With the current trends, there will be several private networks, i.e., many small networks needing seamless interconnect with various large networks, both wireless and wireline. It will mix different public cloud vendors and private clouds hence a very heterogeneous network environment. There will be many new applications and services coming into the network. To deliver those applications with the desired quality of service, we need to rethink the 5G network architecture.

Presenter: Kaitki Agarwal, co-founder, President, and CTO at A5G Networks

Evolution of Central Cloud to Hybrid Edge Cloud in a Hyper-Connected World
Abstract – We are in the midst of a historical transition from mobile internet to a hyper-connected world. Billions of devices and apps have to process data and communicate instantly and as directly as possible. We need to ensure much higher data privacy, lower capital, and operational costs, better resiliency, and immunity to poor network conditions. We are further challenged to support a multitude of incompatible operating systems and malicious privacy and security attacks. Last best not least, we need to lower energy consumption and the carbon footprint. In this new world, hundreds of billions of smart devices, apps, and processes will transform almost all industries through automation and personalization. In a hyper-connected world, digital intersects with every aspect of the physical space. Therefore, digital solutions should mimic and complement the interactions in the physical space. We need to transition from a world dominated by vertical apps connected through the central cloud to one where these apps communicate seamlessly and directly. In this presentation, we will present how a hybrid edge cloud can help fulfill this vision to create a more sustainable hyper-connected internet.

Presenter: Sam Armani, Senior VP of Business Development at mimik Technology, Inc.

Mixcomm Presentation
Abstract: TBD
Presenter: TBD

EdgeQ Presentation
Abstract: TBD
Presenter: TBD

Entrepreneurship in 5G and Broadcast Technologies – pre-recorded panel – 45 minutes
Abstract: In this session, presenters will discuss the factors that cause startups/products to fail in the 5G space with a specific focus on technical challenges, best practices and possibilities for improvement. We will hear case studies into the various phases of innovation and product development and learn about the circumstances that contribute to the high and lows of entrepreneurship in the 5G and broadcast industries.

Moderator: TBD
Participants: TBD

IEEE Entrepreneurship – Program overview – pre-recorded panel – 30 minutes
Abstract: The IEEE Entrepreneurship community is at the forefront of turning ideas into successful businesses. We make it a priority to help our members not just launch, but grow their ventures and facilitate the networking and mentoring of those who have the passion to translate their vision into reality. Learn about the many available resources our program has on offer to the IEEE member community.

Presenter: TBD