2022 | 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)

12:00 pm
Glasgow, UK

2022 | 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)

11 – 15 July 2022
Location: Glasgow, Scotland, UK

The IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society is pleased to announce that the 44th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference will be held in Glasgow, United Kingdom, from 11 – 15 July 2022.

IEEE EMBC 2022 is themed, “Biomedical Engineering transforming the provision of healthcare: promoting wellness through personalized & predictable provision at the point of care.”

The scientific tracks will cover the standard topics of the EMBS technical committees with an additional topic, consistent with the conference theme. Alongside the scientific sessions, there will be an exhibition comprising biomedical engineering companies, publishers, SMEs, start-ups, funded biomedical research, and Biomedical Engineering programs, Institutes, and Universities.

The conference will provide networking opportunities for engineers, clinicians, scientists, and entrepreneurs, as well as for students and young professionals. The conference program consists of mini-symposia, workshops, invited sessions, oral and e-poster sessions, sessions for students and young professionals, and sessions for clinicians and entrepreneurs. Stay updated with the Read More.



How Start-Up Companies Can Better Position Themselves for Success
Special Session

Session conveners

Dorin Panescu, BIOTRONIK, USA
Dieter Haemmerich, University of South Carolina (USA) Theodore Papagiannis, Knobbe Martens, USA
Michael R. Christensen, Knobbe Martens, USA
Nitish Thakor, Johns Hopkins University, USA

The presentation will include a discussion of what start-up healthtech/medtech companies can do to better position themselves for success (e.g., investment, strategic partnership, or acquisition). The presentation will include strategies to help raise capital, strategies to be efficient with limited resources, and lessons learned from a wealth of past start-up experience. The discussion will focus on what investors are looking for in the start-up in advance of any financing, strategic partnership or exit event.

To that end, the presenters will offer recommendations and their unique perspectives regarding common pitfalls in the due diligence process and how to set yourself up for success. In terms of intellectual property (“IP”), an example list of questions and information requests that are often made by investors, acquirers, and other potential strategic partners during due diligence will be provided and discussed. The IP portion of the discussion will focus on key aspects of a start-up’s patent platform, including patentability strategy and third-party risk assessment. The presenters will provide a high-level summary regarding patents and other intellectual property assets of start-ups and will shed light on the patenting process and strategic measures a company can take to be better prepared prior to a due diligence event. The discussion is intended to be interactive, allowing attendees to ask questions and offer their viewpoints and experiences regarding intellectual property, start-up formation and sustainability, challenges, and the like.


A total of 36 Workshops, Minisymposia, and Special sessions have been selected for this year’s conference.