Since co-founding Iris Power in 1990, Blake has been one of the principle architects of Iris’s line of diagnostic test instrumentation and analysis software. Mr. Lloyd has two US patents, and has published 20 refereed papers in IEEE and CIGRE, as well as over 50 conference papers.
He has been a Senior Member of IEEE since 1985, and is currently serving as President of the IEEE Industry Application Society.
He has also served as 2008-2009 Chair IEEE/iAS Electronic Communications, 2006-2007 Chair IEEE/IAS Pulp and Paper Technical Committee, 2002-2003 Canadian Expert – IEC Technical Committee 2: Rotating Machines, WG 26, and 1992-1994 Committee Member – IEEE/PES Hydro-generator Subcommittee.
He was also 2010 Meritorious Engineering Award Winner of IEEE/IAS Pulp and Paper Technical Committee.
Blake was a speaker at IEEE N3XT® 2015 Toronto.