Rakesh Kumar
Dr. Rakesh Kumar is Founder, President and CEO, TCX Technology Connexions, as well as Entrepreneurship Advisor & Educator, Univ. of California, San Diego. TCX Technology Connexions provides management, business, and technical ‘bridging the gaps’ consulting services in advanced semiconductor technology and virtual operations areas. Clients include emerging fabless IC companies, mid-size and large, Fortune 500 IC companies, and leading research organizations.
Dr. Kumar is an IEEE Life Fellow and has been an active volunteer since the late 1980s. He is Past President (2012-13) of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society. His global outreach efforts increased Society Memberships and resulted in a 15% growth in SSCS Chapters. He serves as a Region Governor for the IEEE honor society, HKN.
Dr. Kumar currently serves as a Business and Technology Advisor at University of California San Diego’s Entrepreneurism Center. He teaches a very popular course that provides experiential education, encouragement and coaching in entrepreneurship.
During his 40 years career in the semiconductor industry, Dr. Kumar has been the VP&GM of Cadence Design’s worldwide Silicon Technology Services business unit, and has held various technical and management positions at Unisys and Motorola.
Dr. Kumar authored the book “Fabless Semiconductor Implementation,” published by McGraw Hill.
Dr. Kumar was on the 2017 IEEE Entrepreneurship Steering Committee and has been an IEEE N3XT® Stars Program Judge.
Dr. Kumar was a speaker at IEEE N3XT® 2015 Toronto & IEEE N3XT® 2016 Toronto.