Sonia Bergamaschi
Sonia Bergamaschi is Full Professor in computer engineering at the Engineering Department “Enzo Ferrari”, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), Italy (since 1999). She is the dean of the ICT doctorate school at UNIMORE.
Sonia Bergamaschi research activity has been mainly devoted to Knowledge Representation and Management in the context of Very Large Databases and Knowledge Bases facing both theorical and implementation aspects as described in the following. Original results have been published in more than 200 papers in international journals, proceedings of international conferences, books, and book chapters.
Since 1997 (and up to now), her research efforts have been devoted to the Intelligent Information Integration (I3) topic. An I3 system, called MOMIS, providing an integrated access to structured and semi-structured data sources and allowing a user to pose a single query and to receive a single unified answer has been designed and developed.
On 2009 she founded the academic start-up DataRiver (, whose aim was the engineering and delivering of an open source version of the MOMIS system. Now DATARIVER is a successful company employing six person full time and she plays the role of scientific responsible of the company.
She leads the database research group (DBGROUP) at UNIMORE (; the group grew up in the years from one person (myself) to eight person. She is Senior member of the IEEE and Distinguished Scientist of ACM. She is member of the steering committee of the Italian Database Association, member of the Scientific committee of Alma Laurea, member of the management committee of the Italian Big Data laboratory of CINI and responsible for the node at UNIMORE.