What is G-STIC?

UNMGCY Attending Inaugural G-STIC for SDGs October 2017, Belgium

What is G-STIC?

The Global Science, Technology and Innovation Conference (“G-STIC”) series, is a new cutting-edge global conference series focused on technological solutions for helping achieve the SDGs. The G-STIC series is jointly hosted by VITO (a leading independent and not-for profit research and technology organization in Belgium) and its international partners ACTS (African Centre for Technology Studies), AIT (Asian Institute of Technology), IITD (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi), TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) and FioCruz (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz).

The second edition of this conference will be on Nov 28-30, 2018 in Brussels, Belgium.

G-STIC is focused on integrated technological solutions for the SDGs and will draw on the globally best available knowledge and recent field experiences. It actively supports the technological discussions in the UN and other international policy fora as they relate to the SDGs, the climate goals and the means of Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements. The goal of G-STIC is to help accelerate and strengthen the development, dissemination, and deployment of integrated technological solutions that are feasible, acceptable and affordable from both an economic and social point of view.

G-STIC is more than a conference series.

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