Region 8: Call for Ambassadors - Deadline 20 August 2019


Call for Ambassadors – Deadline 20 August 2019

Region 8

The IEEE Region 8 Entrepreneurship Initiative is an initiative started in 2018 and led by the IEEE Region 8 Young Professionals  team aimed at the segment of existing and potential members that habit the Entrepreneurship ecosystem.

In 2019, we are introducing a competition phase organized locally in sections, student branches and affinity group, with local ambassadors, organizers and competition expert evaluators. The role of motivating, organizing and implementing the competition in sections is the role of an IEEE Region 8 Entrepreneurship Initiative Ambassadors. If you are a motivated volunteer interested in the technical innovations and shaping them to the entrepreneurship endeavor: Apply here. 

The initiative ambassador should be able to hold one Entrepreneurship event in November 2019 under the umbrella of project „Advance Technology for Humanity: Sustainable Engineering“, with the support of IEEE Region 8 subcommittees.This form should be filled by 20 August 2019

The event should contain:
– Talks, panel discussions, success stories about tech entrepreneurship
– Local Pitching Competition
– Promotion of the local and regional competitions

Reasons to to get involved include:

  1. “IEEE Region 8 Entrepreneurship Initiative“ in 2019/2020 is focused on the topic „Advance Technology for Humanity: Sustainable Engineering“ in form of a competition for established teams or formed startups that present their thematic solutions at a local competition. The rules for the competitions are:
    – teams of 3-5 IEEE members from student and young professional category
    – teams are allowed (and encouraged) to get external sponsors
    – innovation is aligned with state-of-the art in sustainable engineering
  2. Awards
    Best hosted competition award – up to 500 USD will be granted to the local IEEE Organizational Unit that hosted the best local competition and publicly-handed certificate at selected IEEE event.
  3. Best pitching teams – two best teams from each section will be selected with their pitch presentations recorded and sent to the regional level to the global evaluators, experts in the domain, IEEE volunteers in Region 8 and beyond. In particular, this encompasses but is not restricted to the following IEEE organizational units: IEEE Region 8 Young Professionals, IEEE Region 8 Professional and Educational Activities, IEEE Region 8 Action for Industry, IEEE societies. Several best teams from Region 8 will then be selected for the mentorship phase of steering them towards getting funds and reaching the market successfully; with finals held at a high-class international event such as IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professionals Congress or Rising Stars conference, and possibly outside IEEE such as Web Summit or Wolves Summit. Finally, we aim to emphasize the most significant opportunity that IEEE brings to startups: being a global network of technology experts – now also supplemented with a perception of available experts in the entrepreneurship area.