13th IEEE PES PowerTech Conference
The International Steering Committee and the Local Organizing Committee invites you to attend the 13th IEEE PowerTech 2019 co-sponsored by IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) and Politecnico di Milano. PowerTech is the anchor conference of the IEEE PES in Europe and provides a forum for researchers and engineers involved in electric power and energy engineering to share ideas and results. Both industry and academia are heartily welcomed to strengthen their collaboration and lead the innovation in the energy world. The conference main topics include, but are not limited to:
IEEE N3XT® Affiliate Event
The IEEE N3XT® Affiliate Event programming will be available soon. IEEE N3XT® Affiliate Events are focused on bringing skills and inspiration to the next generation of entrepreneurs. IEEE owns the trademark for IEEE N3XT® and licenses the brand for use on an approval basis. Find out more about the IEEE N3XT® Affiliate Program here.
System Operation and Control
- Planning and operation of power systems under market conditions
- Modeling, analysis and operation of hybrid AC and DC transmission and distribution systems
- Power quality and electromagnetic compatibility issues and mitigation techniques
- Power system dynamics, stability and control
- Network modeling, protection and security
- Advanced diagnostic and monitoring techniques
- Electromagnetic transients and HV technique
DATA Science and ICT in Power Technologies
- Big data analysis for power systems
- Data and computational intelligence in power technologies
- Sensors, communications networks and advanced metering infrastructure
- Cyber and physical security systems and data acquisition, processing and management
- State estimation and situational awareness
- Co-simulation of electric energy systems and ICT systems
Innovative Grids in Energy Hybrid Systems Integration
- Smart grids for smart cities
- Innovative modeling and optimization tools for multi-energy systems
- Microgrids and aggregators
- Modeling and analysis of plug-in grids
- Forecasting, modeling and management of renewable energies and loads
- Exploitation of electric vehicles and low-carbon transportation
- Energy storage technologies and applications
Power Industry leading innovation
- New technologies in power industry
- Smart robotics for asset monitoring and maintenance
- Smart controls and sensors in end-use devices
- Next generation electric equipment
- Advanced software tools and platforms
- Conference Chair: Dario Zaninelli, Politecnico di Milano – Department of Energy, Italy
- 30 November 2018 Full Paper Submission (EXTENDED)
- 31 January 2019 Authors notified of acceptance
- 31 March 2019 – Final paper submission